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  • monmouthwritersgro


2020 was undeniably an unforgettable and an eventful year, akin to living through a dystopian novel. Many of us will gladly want to forget it, but I will look back with some fond memories that would have been quite different if it had not been for the change in our pace of life due to the restrictions. My birthday back in May, for instance, was spent in the garden with my grown-up daughter, painting and crafting on the picnic bench. I also managed to write the first draft of a new novel during NaNoWriMo because of having more time as I've been working from home and not getting stuck in endless traffic.

If nothing else, last year was a reminder to hold tight to those you hold dear and to make every second count. Our writing group did just that, moving our monthly meetings online. Despite the lack of our usual comfy sofas and delicious treats, we continued to make each other laugh, cry and hide behind cushions as we listened to each other's stories, albeit virtually. Something, we will endeavour to continue until we reach that light at what's been a very long and dark tunnel.

With vaccines now being rolled out and Brexit finally in place, hopefully, we can all move on and find some normality at some point this year. Here's wishing you all the very best for 2021 and whatever happens - #KeepWriting!

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